about me

I am an International. That’s how I perceive myself!

And I don’t say that because I am always travelling but because I feel at home in two countries, rather than just the one.

And what do these places have in common? My profession? Friendships?

Very close….

These places have in common the connection that I feel by the language as a vehicle…

In either of my homes, I feel at ease and enjoy talking to people in general, shopping, doing admin paperwork, socialising and joking with friends, working as part of a team or when an unexpected situation arises…


There was a time in my life, when it would have never crossed my mind to be able to interact with such naturality in the UK.

That happened during my second year in the UK whilst I was carrying out my PhD Studies…

I knew that it would be challenging but I had no clue on how tough the language aspect would be…

Throughout those 4 years, 95% of my day interactions were in the English language

My work colleagues really wanted to be friends and me too, they would invite me to socialise and I would go along but I would always feel emptiness

I couldn’t find their jokes funny and when I tried to joke, they will look at me in a funny way.

I used to Skype my family every night, feeling desperate and depressed, my dad would advise me to push through and finish my PhD and my mum would make a point, that I was suffering too much…

I was so close to give everything up but for some reason I decided to see it through and a good colleague and friend decided to give me a hand.

She would take the time to understand"?what was it that I was trying to express", and would after advise me on the natural way to say so...

It was nothing to do with knowing English grammar but so much more…

From that point onwards, things began to flow better and I stopped putting the focus on myself so much…

I began to observe the locals, how did they express themselves between them, which expressions they used to joke and which others to manage tricky situations…

Step by step, that wonderful curiosity around international things began to flourish again, after so much darkness and disconnection with my surroundings…

I was then able to express myself naturally in 90% of occasions and learned to manage tricky conversations when a delicate situation aroused. I was finally able to joke and laugh with locals and although I wasn’t feeling 100% myself, that was fast approaching…

In my personal life I began to have access to UK customs and traditions and from that time until today, I have felt International instead of foreign.

Upon completion of my PhD, the option to go back to Spain was at my doorstep but I realised that what I really wanted was to live in the UK and that ‘BEING MYSELF’ in another language became a big aspect of my life.

I did no longer wanted to choose, I wanted to enjoy MY TWO HOMES

My mission is to speed up your Spanish learning journey, so you can
‘’BE YOURSELF IN SPANISH’’ asap, and feel at home with the language.

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