Lars (Sweden)
Lars (Sweden)
If you are thinking about it: Just do it! Very simple! Before the immersion experience, I felt like the Spanish language is not easy but it is certainly easier to read and to listen than to speak it. And therefore, this has been a great experience, to be able to speak and get instructions on how to do so within the family setting. It was just terrific! It was a three-day experience and now I feel much better about my Spanish speaking skills, and also, I will continue with Beatriz as a teacher. She's just a fantastic teacher. So I will definitely continue. About Beatriz's teaching style, I would say that she's absolutely top level. One of the best, maybe the best... She really is interested in me, in my learning and my level. If you are thinking about it: Just do it! Very simple! ¡Gracias, nos vemos pronto!
We have enjoyed taking Spanish holidays for many years and for many years we have been talking about learning the language! Typically, once back home real life gets in the way and the idea soon fades. With Beatriz' method of teaching, learning becomes fun and we were encouraged to just 'have a go' on our next Spanish holiday. She was right. Trying out the few phrases we'd learned gave us the confidence to look up more words and try them. We got a real buzz from being understood! If anyone is like us and needs motivating to learn then we'd recommend Beatriz. The lessons are both fun and designed around the client's learning abilities.
M. Jones, UK
M. Jones, UK
These sessions have been more informal. This is not only beneficial in creating a relaxed environment but has allowed for greater interaction with my tutor/ mentor who can make the learning process more personalised. Errors I make…and there are many, can be picked up easily and addressed by the tutor. It is also easier to ask questions to clarify my understanding in this relaxed format. There is greater interaction whereby your own priorities in what you want to learn are taken on board which is important. A number of …building blocks. Importantly, pronunciation has been learned, encouraged and practiced …enhanced
M. Jones, UK 2
M. Jones, UK 2
by having a ‘ native’ speaker as a mentor! Additionally, along the way, insights into Spanish culture have come about which is lovely. Having previously taught adults in an F.Education college, I’m aware of the fears adults often have in signing up to a course. It then can be so refreshing for them to discover that learning can be fun and totally different from what they thought. Learning can go at a pace and time influenced by the ‘student’ and not just the ‘teacher’. I would say to that person to ‘take that leap’- nothing ventured, nothing gained and that you will learn in a supportive, friendly environment. You also will find it rewarding to begin to master a language that can be practiced and used with others.
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