During the next 3 MONTHS






Are you at a point where you can communicate well in Spanish BUT you don’t quite fit in when doing so and are unsure of the reasons why?

Do you feel that when you are in a Spanish context, you cannot longer joke naturally? And, also that you cannot really enjoy the jokes around you

✓ Do you feel frustrated by not being able to catch the Spanish jargon and feel disconnected in group conversations?

✓ After a delicate situation, do you walk away wishing that you have had responded differently? To have had been able to manage that conversation in a calm and natural way. And most of all, not to feel so embarrassed with such a bitter aftertaste

✓ Do you feel that for some reason, locals look at you differently, like ‘continuously forgiving your social and language inadequacy’?

And all of the above makes you feel pretty confused and wiped out, in your mother tongue you are perfectly polite, witty and currently feel that your problem has nothing to do with the language…it’s to do with so much more…


Let me tell you that you are certainly not the only one. I felt in that same way for many years in the UK, I felt extremely disconnected from others and from my own self, I felt insecure and hopeless about my interactions with others in the English language on regular basis. I was frequently referred to a certain extent ‘as cheeky and unpolite’ although that was quite the opposite when I expressed myself in Spanish.

All of that made me feel really unhappy and lonely (even when I was surrounded by people)

In my Private Mentoring we work on the relevant areas for you specifically, so you are able to express yourself, exactly as you are, but in the Spanish language, without sounding or feeling ‘like a Robot’.

If you really want to work on your Spanish expression, join my Private Mentoring

If you find yourself in the above situation,
here are some clues on how to resolve it:

✓ Stop translating
✓ Gain knowledge on the Spanish culture and its taboos
✓ Link phrases to situations
✓ Learn how to manage delicate or tricky situations in the Spanish language
✓ Learn about the Socio-psychological processes of a non-native
✓ Talk without translating and at a good pace
✓ Understand fast Spanish
✓ Gain tools and skills to use when you don’t understand something

Mastering all of these skills and knowledge will mean that your everyday interactions in Spanish will flow much better, and when that happens everything else GOES UP A LEVEL

I’d like to tell you my history

When I finally managed to learn some English language, I had the shock of my life by realising that my knowledge was really insufficient to properly communicate with natives. That I didn’t know how to be ‘my own self’, joke around, have fun and laugh or being a kind and polite person, as I was in my original language (Spanish).

I was also unable to naturally manage complex conversations at work or in my personal life.

I remember attending work meetings and being able to get only 60% of what had been said and forcing myself to keep quiet, in order to avoid further embarrassment.

I remember being surrounded by natives joking about and not finding any of it funny and whenever I tried to joke, people would look at me as if I was acting strange.

I also remember being on a plane or in public transport and notice that I would not be able to understand at all, any important announcements.


At this point, a good colleague and friend decided to give me a hand and began to kindly correct my expression style and choice of wording.

I suffered from anxiety and the whole thing was really overwhelming for someone as independent as myself


I was finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.

From that moment I decided to stop focussing so much on myself, instead, get observing natives and incorporating their expressions and ways.

When I completed my PhD, , two years later, I realised that the UK was also my home and speaking both Spanish and English languages, was, my new lifestyle.



We have enjoyed taking Spanish holidays for many years and for many years we have been talking about learning the language! Typically, once back home real life gets in the way and the idea soon fades. With Beatriz' method of teaching, learning becomes fun and we were encouraged to just 'have a go' on our next Spanish holiday. She was right. Trying out the few phrases we'd learned gave us the confidence to look up more words and try them. We got a real buzz from being understood! If anyone is like us and needs motivating to learn then we'd recommend Beatriz. The lessons are both fun and designed around the client's learning abilities.

We are more than 1,000 on YouTube

Private Mentoring Content
In 3 months you will have achieved all of the required tools and skills to take your Spanish to the next level

Month 1

During this month you will be able to reinforce the areas of Spanish language that need more work and attention so you will start seeing the results and feel happier, with the language, straight away. Your work colleagues, family and/or friends will immediately notice your newly acquired Spanish skills.

Month 2

You will gain further ability in understanding fast Spanish and speaking without translating so your confidence when communicating in Spanish will increase , and as a result your personal and professional connections. This will open new opportunities, professional, friendships, partner and/or family, and a sense of progression in your life in Spanish.

Month 3

In this last month you will fine tune your Spanish expression in an area or skill of the language of your choice, so you can expand the use of your Spanish as a vehicle to achieve your dreams: growing your business in Spain, have a new circle of friends, move to Spain with your family, get your dream job or study opportunity and whatever else that may be for you…



Try the Private Mentoring with Me for 60 days and of you are not satisfied you can request an 100% refund of any payment


At this point you may have some questions?

Is this Private Mentorship for me?
This Private Mentorship is certainly for you, if you would like to feel fully integrated in a Spanish context, to the point that you can feel at home with the language. By being fully personalised, this learning approach is designed to be beneficial at any Spanish level, from beginner to very advanced.

I have done other courses that have not worked
This is not a standard Spanish course and I am not a standard Spanish teacher but a person with results, who has learnt a second language to the point of feeling fully integrated and has been able to use that language, as a vehicle to achieve her dreams, both personal and professionally.

I am not good at learning languages, maybe I am too old
Don’t worry, by being fully personalised, this Private Mentorship, adapts to your unique learning style, so you can fly in your progress, despite age and any other factors. Sometimes, we think that age or intelligence is the reason why a standard learning approach does not work. Standard language teaching methods never worked for me.


M. Jones, UK
These sessions have been more informal. This is not only beneficial in creating a relaxed environment but has allowed for greater interaction with my tutor/ mentor who can make the learning process more personalised. Errors I make…and there are many, can be picked up easily and addressed by the tutor. It is also easier to ask questions to clarify my understanding in this relaxed format. There is greater interaction whereby your own priorities in what you want to learn are taken on board which is important. A number of …building blocks. Importantly, pronunciation has been learned, encouraged and practiced …enhanced
M. Jones, UK
M. Jones, UK 2
by having a ‘ native’ speaker as a mentor! Additionally, along the way, insights into Spanish culture have come about which is lovely. Having previously taught adults in an F.Education college, I’m aware of the fears adults often have in signing up to a course. It then can be so refreshing for them to discover that learning can be fun and totally different from what they thought. Learning can go at a pace and time influenced by the ‘student’ and not just the ‘teacher’. I would say to that person to ‘take that leap’- nothing ventured, nothing gained and that you will learn in a supportive, friendly environment. You also will find it rewarding to begin to master a language that can be practiced and used with others.
M. Jones, UK 2

What would happen if you don’t join this Private Mentorship?

Not being able to express as your own self for too long, make take its tool in your happiness and how you relate to others . You may miss work and/or relationship opportunities by not being able to communicate, at the required standard

However, what would happen if you Join this Private Mentorship?

You will start seeing results straight away and gain further confidence in your Spanish expression and communication, as "your own self". This will increase opportunities in professional and personal relationship environments, which will increase your happiness and sense of achievement and integration in Spanish . That way, you will feel at home with the language whilst achieving your dreams.

You can only miss out by not joining

The Private Mentoring

Still Thinking About It?

Go from this....

To this....



Try the Private Mentoring with Me for 60 days and of you are not satisfied you can request an 100% refund of any payment


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